+46 70 260 2605

Kelly Odell

- A blog for leaders
20 Nov 2009

The Ten Commandements of Cross Group Collaboration

Today I held a workshop with a group from Microsoft Sweden on the topic Cross Group Collaboration. It was a very good group of people and I was impressed with their involvement and inight into issues of cross group collaboration as well as diversity. In preparation for this workshop I created Ten Commandments for Cross Group Collaboration that might be of interest to others. Some of these may need some explaination and I will try to get around to developing them more later.

The Ten Commandments of Cross Group Collaboration

1. Remember that rules are made to help us. When they don’t help us we are allowed to break them.

2. Break down the communication hierarchy.

3. Remember that good ideas can come from anywhere, and often do!

4. Show respect but don’t avoid conflict.

5. Adapt your processes to your customers needs, not the other way around.

6. Adapt you decisions to each new situation

7. Avoid compromise

8. Celebrate Failure

9. Be resillient

10. Keep an open mind!

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